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Conversion Tables: Dimensions Of Copper Water Tubing

Type K | Type L | Type M

This information is provided for your convenience. We feel it's reliable, but errors can occur. We make no claims as to the accuracy of this information and do not warrant it for any use or purpose whatsoever. Always verify specification data in order to ensure its accuracy.

Dimensions of Copper Water Tubing: Type K
Nominal Size
- Inches
Outside Diameter
- Inches
Feet Length
per Sq. Ft
of Outer Area
Nominal Wall
- Inches
per Linear Ft.-lb.
Area - Sq In.
1/8 .250 15.3 .032 .085 .027
1/4 .375 10.2 .035 .145 .073
3/8 .500 7.64 .049 .269 .127
1/2 .625 6.11 .049 .344 .218
5/8 .750 5.09 .049 .418 .344
3/4 .875 4.36 .065 .641 .436
1 1.125 3.40 .065 .839 .778
1 1/4 1.375 2.78 .065 1.04 1.22
1 1/2 1.625 2.35 .072 1.36 1.72
2 2.125 1.80 .083 2.06 3.01
2 1/2 2.625 1.455 .095 2.93 4.66
3 3.125 1.222 .109 4.00 6.64
3 1/2 3.625 1.054 .120 5.12 9.00
4 4.125 .926 .134 6.51 11.7
5 5.125 .745 .160 9.67 18.1
6 6.125 .624 .192 13.9 25.9
8 8.125 .470 .271 25.9 45.2
10 10.125 .377 .338 40.3 70.1
12 12.125 .315 .405 57.8 100.5
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Dimensions of Copper Water Tubing: Type L
Nominal Size
- Inches
Outside Diameter
- Inches
Feet Length
per Sq. Ft
of Outer Area
Nominal Wall
- Inches
per Linear Ft.-lb.
Area - Sq In.
1/8 .250 15.3 .025 .068 .031
1/4 .375 10.2 .030 .126 .078
3/8 .500 7.64 .035 .198 .145
1/2 .625 6.11 .040 .285 .233
5/8 .750 5.09 .042 .362 .348
3/4 .875 4.36 .045 .455 .484
1 1.125 3.40 .050 .655 .825
1 1/4 1.375 2.78 .055 .884 1.26
1 1/2 1.625 2.35 .060 1.14 1.78
2 2.125 1.80 .070 1.75 3.09
2 1/2 2.625 1.455 .080 2.48 4.77
3 3.125 1.222 .090 3.33 6.81
3 1/2 3.625 1.054 .100 4.29 9.21
4 4.125 .926 .110 5.38 12.0
5 5.125 .745 .125 7.61 18.7
6 6.125 .624 .140 10.2 26.8
8 8.125 .470 .200 19.3 46.9
10 10.125 .377 .250 30.1 72.8
12 12.125 .315 .280 40.4 105.0
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Dimensions of Copper Water Tubing: Type M
Nominal Size
- Inches
Outside Diameter
- Inches
Feet Length
per Sq. Ft
of Outer Area
Nominal Wall
- Inches
per Linear Ft.-lb.
Area - Sq In.
1/8 .250 15.3 .025 .068 .031
1/4 .375 10.2 .025 .107 .083
3/8 .500 7.64 .025 .145 .159
1/2 .625 6.11 .028 .2044 .254
5/8 .750 5.09 .030 .263 .374
3/4 .875 4.36 .032 .328 .517
1 1.125 3.40 .035 .465 .875
1 1/4 1.375 2.78 .042 .682 1.31
1 1/2 1.625 2.35 .049 .940 1.83
2 2.125 1.80 .058 1.46 3.17
2 1/2 2.625 1.455 .065 2.03 4.89
3 3.125 1.222 .072 2.68 6.98
3 1/2 3.625 1.054 .083 3.58 9.40
4 4.125 .926 .095 4.66 12.2
5 5.125 .745 .109 6.66 18.9
6 6.125 .624 .122 8.92 27.2
8 8.125 .470 .170 16.5 47.6
10 10.125 .377 .212 25.6 74.0
12 12.125 .315 .254 36.7 106.0